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Meet the Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Everyone in leadership identifies as autistic which helps NAPS accurately represent the diverse voices in the autistic community. 

Our History

Nashville Autism Peer Support was founded by Chad Beadles in 2015. He devised the idea for the group from a Partners in Policymaking Leadership Institute homework assignment. The Partners in Policymaking Leadership Institute is a program provided by the TN Council on Developmental Disabilities and offers individuals with a disability or their loved one(s) the knowledge of how to become a better advocate for themself or their loved one(s). 

Our Mission

To provide a safe place for individuals with autism and their support networks to find resources, acceptance, and understanding while working to educate the community to increase awareness.

Our Vision

For every individual with autism to be accepted for who they are and for the public to be educated on autism. 

Our Values

Our Values


We value autistics being their authentic selves and not apologizing for it.


We value acceptance for every autistic individual.


We value autistics advocating for their needs and helping others do the same.


We value offering a space for autistics to find community with one another.


We value autistics sharing their story so others can understand them better.


We value every autistic being respected for who they are as a person.

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